"Legal-Link CBA" LLC

"Legal Link CBA" Limited Liability Company was founded in 2018 and currently operates with 2 partners and about 10 lawyers. The lawyers of this law firm are experienced and qualified colleagues who provide professional legal advice and dispute resolution for major development projects and programs that have been implemented or are being implemented in Mongolia.

In today's rapidly developing society, business legal issues occupy an important position, and since financial legal issues are the most important when concluding any type of contract, we have the advantage of providing advice and information to the client by forming a team of financial legal professionals.

Major service providers:

  • Mining sector;
  • Financial records;
  • Human resources;
  • Occupational safety and health;
  • Buildings and railways.

Our law firm uses FIDIC's Silver Book, Ulaan Book, Green Book, and White Book to draft contracts in accordance with the legal conditions of Mongolia. Within the framework of the memorandum signed with Mongolian Road Association, the only member of FIDIC in Mongolia, we have been successfully organized the trainings on FIDIC standard contracts and their application.

For furthermore information: https://legal-link.mn/